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Recent content by ka1gt

  1. K

    Windows 10 installation. Dozens of Driver errors

    I did solve the issue with the Intel Chipset drivers found here: HP Z440 Workstation Software and Driver Details
  2. K

    user account name confusion

    I'm confused about user account names and I wonder if someone can clear things up for me I purchased a refurbished PC with Windows 10 installed. As received there appears to be one account "SUPERUSER" and no password. So I created a password for this account, rebooted and Win10 came up with...
  3. K

    Windows 10 installation. Dozens of Driver errors

    I found the motherboad info. It appears to be an HP 212B v1.01 However ii's step (3) that's the problem now. I can find no listing for the latest Intel Chipset drivers (nor, of course, how to install them!). I usually end up on this page -...
  4. K

    Windows 10 installation. Dozens of Driver errors

    I'm attempting to purchase a new (used, refurbished) Z440 with Windows 10. The first one came with the wrong hardware configuration but while checking it out I noticed a large number of device/driver error in the system devices section of Device Manager. and Problem devices section of the...