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Recent content by swankster

  1. swankster

    Windows 10, trouble running executable from cmd

    This process is working as expected on another win10 VM. how is it that directing a absolute path to the exe would not work. it has since the beginning of windows 3.1. if i run c:\TSL\UaServer\pulpheat\TSL-PacPulpHeat_UaServer.exe in cmd nothing happens. but if i am at start...
  2. swankster

    Windows 10, trouble running executable from cmd

    None of the above worked. had already tried all before except for item 4. This program executes fine from file explorer. but my client program will attempt to start the server if it is not running. for that it needs to access from cmd line.
  3. swankster

    Windows 10, trouble running executable from cmd

    windows 10 64 bit environment When starting an executable program from cmd line it will not appear in task manager. but it is running just not showing any signs of it running. but after closing the cmd shell then my program appears in task manager. If I enter something like start chome, it works...