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Windows 10 Help with creating first site


Apr 30, 2020
Hello, I am new to this, but I read the tips and suggestions from your site already some time. I am not an expert yet and wanted to read some suggestions before starting doing something. I would like to create my own site and I wanted to know what do I require to do so? How much would it cost approximately?
There are many many options for that from building the server and code yourself to completely managed hosted sites. Costs will vary greatly. I'd suggest starting with something basic such as wixsites which is free and you don't have to really know the coding side, but you change get under the hood and write the code if you want.
If you don't have much of a background in coding or experience in servers, you could start looking into hosting plans to see which one's would fit your budget. Check this out if you would like to see a list of cheap options (they range from about $5 to $10 a month). There are also several free hosting providers, but they may be more difficult and frustrating to use.

Another part of building a website is the domain (the address people will use to visit your site). If you don't care too much about this, most hosting providers will give you a free domain with their added extension, but if you do decide to get a custom domain the cost largely depends on what you want. Some domains sell for as low as $5, and some sell for thousands.

Coding the website is also a big part, and can be very time consuming. If you're already paying for hosting, you're provider will likely also give you access to a website builder which you can then use to speed up the process. If not, you can always look into HTML templates online which will be easy to edit and then upload them to your hosting server.

Good luck!
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My uneducated comment. Some years ago, I needed a website. I had a very small knowledge of programming languages.

I used Microsoftd Expression studio (noe free). A struggle at first and needed to sratrt again a couple of times. Finaaly finished with a six page website, for my very small buisness. It all ran perfectly with click in (links) picures and the shebang.
All I needed to do ten was find a cheap hosting site and put the whole program up on the web.