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Windows 7 Windows not detecting HDMI since motherboard change


Dec 17, 2015
Good day and sorry if this was posted before but I'm searching for a solution for 3 days now and it's kind of nerve wrecking. So, I used to have a Gigabyte Mainboard (78LMT UBS3) which broke down eventually so I bought myself an ASRock 970 Pro3 R2.0. When I used the Gigabyte Mainboard I had 2 Monitors running, my BenQ GL2450 on my HDMI slot and my Flatron L222WS on my DVI slot, both ran smoothly without any problems whatsoever. Since I installed the new mainboard windows isn't even detecting something that is plugged in my HDMI slot anymore. I can't open or access the second monitor whatsoever. What's really really confusing is, is that everything worked fine before. I'd really really appreciate any help.

My complete Specs are this:
GPU: GeForce GTX 660
CPU: AMD FX-8320
Mainboard: ASRock 970 Pro3 R2.0
Operation System: Windows 7 Ultimate
Monitor 1 on DVI: Flatron L222WS
Monitor 2 on HDMI: BenQ GL2450
Gigabyte is well known for giving you extra drivers that Microsoft doesn't care about in order to make their boards install easy... thats why people like them.

You re-installed a fresh copy of Windows onto your hdd after swapping the motherboards over... or did you just plug the old hdd (Gigabyte windows) back in? The HDMI port is controlled by the motherboard so you need the ASRock chipset drivers (should have been with the M-board... prob on a dvd or CDdisc) to make it work.
Hello and first of thank you very much for answering!
I just swapped the Motherboards over without installing Windows new since I read that is possible with Windows 7.
As for the chipset drivers;

On the official site isn't also something categorized as "Chipset" or something similar to that (I can't post links atm so I'll just list them)
From top to down:
AMD all in 1 Driver: Got that installed from the CD
Realtek HD Audio: Well, got that installed since I couldn't listen to music otherwise
CIR Reciever: Didn't got that installed since I don't use a remote,
LAN Driver: Got that installed, couldn't write here otherwise.
APP Charger: Welp, I don't have an iPhone so I don't have that installed.
SATA RAID Driver/Utility: Don't have both installed (maybe a problem? Don't think so though)
USB 3.0 Driver: Yep got that installed.

Thank you very much again for answering and helping!

EDIT: I manually searched for the chipset drivers and found some on the AMD website and installed them, without any success unfortunately. What's kind of weird is that if I plug in a Monitor to my HDMI slot windwos does is "connected" or "Device found" sound. If I have one Monitor already plugged into my DVI slot and THEN plug in one in my HDMI slot, windows does not the "Device found" or "connected" sound.
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I just swapped the Motherboards over without installing Windows new since I read that is possible with Windows 7
Thats wrong... you can sometimes get away with it if the old and new motherboards are the same make/ model and res number but otherwise swaping motherboards = fresh install

On the official site isn't also something categorized as "Chipset" or something similar to that (I can't post links atm so I'll just list them)
From top to down:
AMD all in 1 Driver: Got that installed from the CD

The download page (assume 64 bit windows 7) is here ASRock > 970 Pro3 R2.0

Amd all in one includes the chipset drivers and must be installed first;

I assume your hdd info is backed up so my advice now is format the hdd and install a fresh W7 then add the amd all in one...

ps, I'm not a fan of ASROCK boards but this should resolve the issue.
Hello and thanks for the response.

I formatted my C Drive and installed windows complete anew, together with all the drivers of my GTX 660, Motherboard and everything else, unfortunately the Problem still persists. Is this maybe a Problem with the UEFI Bios or something or does it have something to do with my Bios being UEFI?

I'm really sorry but I am really really clueless at the moment, I appreciate every help though (also formatting my C Drive was planned in next weeks anyways :'D)
You do have the proper / latest drivers for your GTX660, don't you?
Yes, I do. I downloaded it from the nvidia site. I also did a clean install of it.