Windows 7 black screen after updating windows defender!


New Member
hi there
ok my problem goes like that i have this pc allmost 2 years in the first year i have on it WIN XP and everthing was working find
after that in the start of 2010 i format and install in it win7

all was working fine again untill one day my pc freez while i was hearing music... then i press Control, Alt and Del and after i press on the "open task mannger" i get Black screen, i cant see the desktop, explorer and mouse but i still could here the music and still saw that the pc downloading (i was downloading something and i look on the modem lights that usually on when it downloading) , the strange thing is when i press control alt and del i still can see the "help menu" (i know its not it name but i don't know the name of this menu...) anyway i found a method to make the desktop back again after i was haveing Black screen by pressing Control alt and del and on the cancel butten and then in the start+tab need to do it non-stop in order it will work..., anyway i was haveing this problem for allmost 5-6 months and after i install updates (more likely the windows defender updates) my method stop working! when i now get black screen i must to restart the pc, i must to mention that this problem when i can't use my method happend before after another update of windows defender however it was fixing fast after another update of windows defender.... also it happend to me that i not get Black screen for a whole month after another update from windows defender......

anyway right now i have Black screen in VERY HIGH frequency (probebly when i watch animes useing MPC+CCCP) and i cant do a thing about it : ( i get update again for windows defender today but it not fix anything... i even try to use the PREVX fix but it not help at all... i decide i finally need to fix this problem and i really need halp : ( i not want to format my pc (especially after i saw people on the net that was haveing allmost the same problem and even after format they said they still get black screens!) plz if anyone can help me i be grateful !

by the way my hardware:

Geforce 295 gtx
intel i7 860
4 gb ram

ASUS P7P55D motherbored

one with 1000 GB (tera bit)
two with 160 GB
and the thired with 250 GB

good cooling fans

750W power supply of Thermaltake

well that pretty much all... all the drivers installed and everything work fine (well everything except the black screen)
i computer half expert... (he he i know its funny name but i not full expert XD but i do have knowledge of hardwares experince of usuing progrems bios and such for 5 xp... however win7 allmost the same for me , anyway long story short: i not noob in pcs but i not super pro) i sure the pc not have problems and i know the black screen is something millions of user get in the last year. plz help me :(
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thanks for the welcome XD
but unfortunately i done too much things in my pc to restore the system back 4-5 days
: (

there is any other way?

If you have a Windows 7 disk, it sounds like time for a repair install to clean things up and get things back to the default settings.
Even though it shouldn't loose anything I'd back up all my important data first.

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Once you have your computer up and running again make a full system backup to an external drive so that you can get it back to the present state easily.

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thanks for your help again but i don't think it will help me

even in safe mod i cant uninstall the windows defender updates (they even wirte in the update "once this update as been installed it cannot been remove")

and repair my pc is out of the qustion, my system is stable and i maintain it every month, repairing the system just will make it even more unstable and from what i read in other people's forums that haveing the same problem it dont work for them.... :( help?
OK, since most of this thread seems to revolve around Windows Defender and potentially the updates to the program that may be at the root of the problem. Have you considered disabling the service just to see if that has any impact. Type services.msc into the search box and hit enter scroll down to Windows Defender and double click it.
See attachment.
thanks i will try

i actually think about it today and stop windows defender without the service msc (insted i just go to win defender and deleted the "V" that said "stop services" )
but i still got BS today... however i surprisedly was able to get out from it today.. but i not sure it will work for me again

anyway thanks i will try what you said ,and will test it (...take some time... i cant tell the BS to come when i want XD) and will report back to tell you if its work out : )
thanks for the help Mikehawthorne

but i allready check it long ago when i try the PREVX fix
from what they write it seem that the windows defener and the fake clock update was some of the main case to the BS

however PREVX said they not sure themselves what the main cost of the BS because from their report some people get the BS without the these updates...
If you can boot to safe mode, you can uninstall recent updates manually:

Windows Update - Uninstall an Update - Windows 7 Forums

thanks for your help again but i don't think it will help me

even in safe mod i cant uninstall the windows defender updates (they even wirte in the update "once this update as been installed it cannot been remove")
I don't think that cybercore was actually referencing the windows defender update. More likely a couple specific updates. You said that you tried the Prevxx fix in the article that MikeHawthorne references above. That same article points to two specific updates
KB915597 and KB976098
So I'm wondering, did the Prevxx fix, remove those two specific updates? Have you checked your "Installed Updates" to make sure that they are not installed?
ok after testing of allmost week (more like half week) i not getting BS after i turn off the WINDOWS DEFENDER however ysterday i get one just when i put my disk-on-key in the pc....but i was able to get out from it really quick.... (its just me or win7 not really love disk-on-keys? everytime i put in any sort of disk-on-key and then finish with it and put it out my pc start to acting wired... if i try to make new floder, copy something or paste something the pc just stuck with the "thinking" mouse icon working and the start line become transparent and all the pc freez until i do restart.... all these things happends ONLY after i use disk-on-key and only after i put it out...lucky for me it all fixed after restart through...) anyway its hard to tell if my BS days are going to be finish....however i can say clearly that the WD took big part of it. ┐( ̄ー ̄)┌
o btw as answering for Truble (sorry i not saw your qus XD) no this fix not remove anything

you can read what this fix done in their site.

i check these updates and one of them is WD update and the other is fake summer (or it was winter...) clock fix.
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