Windows 7 Display Driver


New Member
I installed Windows 7 beta build 7000, all seemed well except for my monitor/video card driver. All other hardware seems to be working fine. So I go to update my video card driver, and it's not showing up in the device manager. So I think ok, maybe it's cause I don't have the driver. So I download the Prerelease - WDDM 1.1, I have a GeForce 8800 GTS. Try to install it and it says there's no drivers compatible with my current hardware. The video card isn't showing up in DxDiag, the device manager, or Nvidias control panel.

I had none of these problems with a fresh install on my other hard drive, windows update went and grabbed the appropriate driver for my monitor and video card. Nothing is showing up in the updates, probably because it doesn't detect the hardware.

Yet my comuter is still letting me run in it's native resolution (1680x1050)

At a loss for what to do.
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