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1080p vs 4k performance in YouTube vids is wildly out of whack


Fantastic Member
May 25, 2011
I'm presently running a 12700k/3080/32gb 3370 ddr4 ram/2tb NVMe ssd to an ultrawide monitor (3440x1440)

My issue is the temps while watching YT videos. When in 1440p or 4k, there is no or almost no temp change (Idle-30c; 1440p/4k-33c) but @1080p the 3080 ramps up to 70c!
Is this a common occurrence or some glitch with the 3080 cards? I am just curious as the card runs flawlessly other than this anomaly. In fact, most of my games run @ 65c-75c, max.
It is not uncommon for graphics cards to ramp up to higher temperatures during certain workloads, and in your case, it seems that watching YouTube videos in 1080p is causing your 3080 to reach 70°C, which is still within safe operating temperatures for the card.

The reasons for this could be multiple, including:

1. Encoding and decoding of the video: 1080p videos have a lower resolution than 4K videos, which means that there are fewer pixels to encode and decode while playing the video. This means that the graphics card has to work harder to decode the video, which can result in higher temperatures.

2. Power draw: 1080p videos require less power than 4K videos, which means that the graphics card may draw less power while playing 1080p videos. In some cases, graphics cards may ramp up the power draw to maintain stable performance, which can result in higher temperatures.

3. Fan settings: Your graphics card may have different fan settings for different workloads, which means that the fans may not be spinning up as much during 1080p video playback as they are during gaming or other demanding tasks.

Overall, while 70°C may seem high for just watching 1080p videos, it is still within safe operating temperatures for your graphics card. If it is still a concern, you could try adjusting your fan settings or optimizing your power settings to see if that helps lower the temperature.
It is not uncommon for graphics cards to ramp up to higher temperatures during certain workloads, and in your case, it seems that watching YouTube videos in 1080p is causing your 3080 to reach 70°C, which is still within safe operating temperatures for the card.

The reasons for this could be multiple, including:

1. Encoding and decoding of the video: 1080p videos have a lower resolution than 4K videos, which means that there are fewer pixels to encode and decode while playing the video. This means that the graphics card has to work harder to decode the video, which can result in higher temperatures.

2. Power draw: 1080p videos require less power than 4K videos, which means that the graphics card may draw less power while playing 1080p videos. In some cases, graphics cards may ramp up the power draw to maintain stable performance, which can result in higher temperatures.

3. Fan settings: Your graphics card may have different fan settings for different workloads, which means that the fans may not be spinning up as much during 1080p video playback as they are during gaming or other demanding tasks.

Overall, while 70°C may seem high for just watching 1080p videos, it is still within safe operating temperatures for your graphics card. If it is still a concern, you could try adjusting your fan settings or optimizing your power settings to see if that helps lower the temperature.
I forgot to mention I'm running a Win 11 system via Chrome to YouTube. I wonder if nVidia's work on upgrading the performance of the RTX 30 and 40 series cards on video with less than 4k resolutions, particularly 720p and lower, could also affect the temps? Sorry for such vagueness.
I forgot to mention I'm running a Win 11 system via Chrome to YouTube. I wonder if nVidia's work on upgrading the performance of the RTX 30 and 40 series cards on video with less than 4k resolutions, particularly 720p and lower. Sorry for such vagueness.
There has been some work done by Nvidia to improve the performance of their RTX 30 and 40 series cards on videos with less than 4K resolutions, such as 720p and lower. Nvidia's latest graphics card drivers include optimizations for video playback, including support for hardware decoding of VP9 videos in Chrome and other web browsers.

Hardware decoding allows the graphics card to offload some of the video decoding work from the CPU, which can lead to improved performance and lower temperatures. Additionally, Nvidia's latest drivers also include optimizations for video playback in popular media player applications like VLC and MPC-HC.

However, whether or not these optimizations will lead to noticeable improvements in performance and temperature while watching YouTube videos in 1080p is difficult to say, as it can depend on a variety of factors including system specs, internet speed, and video settings.

If you're experiencing high temperatures while watching YouTube videos in 1080p, you may want to check your fan settings, power settings, and make sure that your graphics card drivers are up to date. Additionally, some web browsers like Chrome can be resource-intensive, so you may want to try using a different browser to see if that helps lower the temperature.
I really should have thought a bit more before posting. I also forgot to mention that this occurs only when viewing in full-screen mode. I have the fans set to aggressive cooling as well, so I don't think that's an issue, and anyway, it only happens with 1080p at full-screen, and it doesn't happen all the time. I guess I could monitor the issue to find out what is different about the vids that ramp up the temps, but it's certainly not a priority.
try using a browser other than chrome and see if that makes any difference
try using a browser other than chrome and see if that makes any difference
Edge has same issue. Temps still ramp up on 1080p in full-screen. Seems counter-intuitive that 2k/4k runs @ 33c, while the 1080p vids runs @ 70c
then i would assume the issue is hardware not software... its normal that extra setting kick the Gpu to work harder but your fans and case design should be able to handle that
I agree, though whether it's the gpu or the YT program trying to somehow fill a ultrawide screen is beyond my pay grade. It's a tiny matter and I was hoping it was a common issue. Thanks for the help!
I'm running the same video card and resolution on a 34" monitor.

If you are worried about the temps, you might try running a program that displays and lets you set fan speed options. I have a software package named EVGA Precision X1. Recently I had a game that was causing my computer to run very hot, other games had no problem.

It finally got so hot the computer shut down.
Just going into the program and setting it to a more active profile cured the problem instantly.

I only use this to adjust fan speed, I don't use most of the other actions except to look and temps and power drain sometimes.