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Windows 10 Black Screen & Crashing After Installing New GPU/PSU


New Member
Sep 21, 2021

I've been dealing with this issue for the last 2 months. My previous NVIDIA 3070 with 650w PSU had no issues. I installed a new NVIDIA 3080ti with EVGA 850w PSU. While gaming on 1 monitor and having my 2nd monitor on, after some time both screens will go black, I will continue to hear game volume for a bit, then game crashes back to desktop. It does not actually produce a BSOD. If I turn off 1 monitor or the other, I can play without issue. Event viewer shows Display drive nvlddmkm stopped responding and successfully recovered. Reliability Monitor shows mostly Hardware errors code 117, sometimes 141 or 1a1.

Things I have tried:
Fully wiping PC with new Windows install
DDU and new GPU drivers with clean install
Replaced RAM with new RAM
GPU temps run fine
Updated everything in Windows
Windows version: 10.0.19043

I do have a folder with 10 .dmp files that I've ran through WinDbg but can't seem to isolate the problem. From my research this is a TDR issue but the solve can vary. Not sure if any of this info below is helpful. The DMP files are showing as too large for the server to attach.

This dump file has an exception of interest stored in it.
The stored exception information can be accessed via .ecxr.
(3968.3660): Access violation - code c0000005 (first/second chance not available)
For analysis of this file, run !analyze -v
00007ff8`db6e165c 488b02 mov rax,qword ptr [rdx] ds:00000000`00000120=????????????????

PROCESS_NAME: StarCitizen.exe

READ_ADDRESS: 0000000000000120

ERROR_CODE: (NTSTATUS) 0xc0000005 - The instruction at 0x%p referenced memory at 0x%p. The memory could not be %s.


EXCEPTION_PARAMETER1: 0000000000000000

EXCEPTION_PARAMETER2: 0000000000000120

This dump file has an exception of interest stored in it.
The stored exception information can be accessed via .ecxr.
(3a78.bc0): Security check failure or stack buffer overrun - code c0000409 (first/second chance not available)
For analysis of this file, run !analyze -v
*** WARNING: Unable to verify checksum for GameBar.exe
00007ffd`9d6bbe3e 0f1f440000 nop dword ptr [rax+rax]
ExceptionAddress: 00007ffd9d6bbe3e (KERNELBASE!RaiseFailFastException+0x000000000000016e)
ExceptionCode: c0000409 (Security check failure or stack buffer overrun)
ExceptionFlags: 00000001
NumberParameters: 3
Parameter[0]: 0000000000000007
Parameter[1]: ffffffff80070512
Parameter[2]: 0000000000000197
SYMBOL_NAME: gamebar+1d7079


IMAGE_NAME: GameBar.exe

STACK_COMMAND: ~9s ; .ecxr ; kb


OS_VERSION: 10.0.19041.1

BUILDLAB_STR: vb_release


OSNAME: Windows 10

Please anyone that can help is a life saver.
Hmm.. Have you tried different versions of driver?

TDR issues are usually driver related hence the reason i mention the above.

Have you tried changing the monitors around?

Have you checked your power settings? Are the monitors set to turn off after a certain period of time? If they are then set to 'never'.

You probably tried the above so apologies if you have.
Hmm.. Have you tried different versions of driver?

TDR issues are usually driver related hence the reason i mention the above.

Have you tried changing the monitors around?

Have you checked your power settings? Are the monitors set to turn off after a certain period of time? If they are then set to 'never'.

You probably tried the above so apologies if you have.
Yes I've tried changing monitors and have power settings on maximum performance with no sleep timer. Hoping someone can help analyze these .dmp files to isolate the problem.

0:002> .exr -1
ExceptionAddress: 00007ffa2c114f99 (KERNELBASE!RaiseException+0x0000000000000069)
ExceptionCode: 2badff59
ExceptionFlags: 00000001
NumberParameters: 1
Parameter[0]: 0000006cb5dfb6e0
0:002> kb
# RetAddr : Args to Child : Call Site
00 0000006c`00000000 : 00000002`b5df0100 0000003e`0000003e 00000000`0000001f 00000000`0208003e : ntdll!NtGetContextThread+0x14
01 00000002`b5df0100 : 0000003e`0000003e 00000000`0000001f 00000000`0208003e 0000006c`b5df6880 : 0x0000006c`00000000
02 0000003e`0000003e : 00000000`0000001f 00000000`0208003e 0000006c`b5df6880 00000000`00000000 : 0x00000002`b5df0100
03 00000000`0000001f : 00000000`0208003e 0000006c`b5df6880 00000000`00000000 00000000`00000000 : 0x0000003e`0000003e
04 00000000`0208003e : 0000006c`b5df6880 00000000`00000000 00000000`00000000 00000000`00000000 : 0x1f
05 0000006c`b5df6880 : 00000000`00000000 00000000`00000000 00000000`00000000 00000000`00000000 : 0x208003e
06 00000000`00000000 : 00000000`00000000 00000000`00000000 00000000`00000000 00000000`00000000 : 0x0000006c`b5df6880
If you can upload the dump files to somewhere and post the link I'll certainly take a look.
If you can upload the dump files to somewhere and post the link I'll certainly take a look.
Thank you! Here are some of them. It wouldn't let me upload the larger ones over 1gb to this site. If it would help to see those as well and there's a way I can get those to you please let me know.

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Thank you!

I'll give them a look over this evening and get back to you.
Thank you!

I'll give them a look over this evening and get back to you.
Thank you. I really do appreciate your time. I've added 1 more crash that just happened below if it helps. Also on my left monitor (144hz) after the crash the mouse starts lagging but it does not on my right (60hz) monitor. Not sure if that means anything. Let me know!

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Downloading now..

Tell me, does the black screen and CTD occur with every game or one in particular?
Downloading now..

Tell me, does the black screen and CTD occur with every game or one in particular?
Seems to not occur on less demanding games like Rocket League. If I'm running 2 monitors and playing a demanding game like Star Citizen it usually occurs within 5 minutes. And for whatever reason it won't crash if I'm only running 1 monitor, doesn't matter which one. Thank you for looking!

like you I cannot see anything in the dump files other than Star citizen and Rocket league being the initial cause.

I checked your hardware error codes and they refer to windows crashing due to hardware.

The screens going black is almost certainly the driver crapping out ( for whatever reason ) and I'd try different Nvidia drivers and see if it makes any difference.

This link will give you access to all the recent Nvidia drivers:
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If the gpu has done this since the day you got it then it may well be faulty.
I know you've tried re-installing nvidia drivers, but did you do a DDU wipe?

If not, it's worth a try.

If that didn't work, or you've already tried it and given the troubleshooting you've already done, then the most common things in this scenario are faulty GPU or PSU.

although, if the GTX 650 requires a PSU connection and is not solely powered through pcie, then it would most likely suggest it's the 970 that has developed a fault

If you can get access to another PC up to spec to try the 970 in, then it's the sure fire way to find out Apk home
Yup he tried it see below.
Things I have tried:
Fully wiping PC with new Windows install
DDU and new GPU drivers with clean install
Replaced RAM with new RAM
GPU temps run fine
Updated everything in Windows
Windows version: 10.0.19043
Yup he tried it see below.

Update: RMA'd the 3080ti. In the mean time I tested a 3070ti on my pc for a month that had zero issues. I received a brand new in box 3080ti as a replacement. Since installing it, the pc has began crashing again with same display driver error as before. Long story short, zero issues with 3070ti and issues with both 3080ti's I have tried. I purchased and installed a brand new EVGA 850w Gold PSU when I first bought and installed the 3080ti. I have read that some others have had issues like this with an 850 and the 3080ti as the card can have power spikes which can cause the issue. Though it works perfectly with the 3070ti, wondering if this is my issue. I do not have another 850 or bigger PSU on hand though to test my theory. Any other thoughts or feedback is appreciated.
Thanks for the update. I did wonder about your 3080ti after reading the reports mentioned in my previous post and pleased you have had some resolution.
As you don't have a larger psu than 850w why not try downclocking the card and see if this helps?
I think you need to try reinstalling the nvidia drivers, but did you also perform a DDU wipe?
It's worth a shot if you haven't already. If it doesn't work, or you've previously attempted it and gone through the diagnosis, the most likely causes in this circumstance are a broken GPU or power supply.
However, if the GTX 650 needs a PSU hookup and isn't powered exclusively by pcie, then the 970 is most likely to blame.
If you can get a hold of another PC that's up to spec to test the 970 on, that's the best way to find out if Apk is right for you.
Update: RMA'd the 3080ti. In the mean time I tested a 3070ti on my pc for a month that had zero issues. I received a brand new in box 3080ti as a replacement. Since installing it, the pc has began crashing again with same display driver error as before. Long story short, zero issues with 3070ti and issues with both 3080ti's I have tried. I purchased and installed a brand new EVGA 850w Gold PSU when I first bought and installed the 3080ti. I have read that some others have had issues like this with an 850 and the 3080ti as the card can have power spikes which can cause the issue. Though it works perfectly with the 3070ti, wondering if this is my issue. I do not have another 850 or bigger PSU on hand though to test my theory. Any other thoughts or feedback is appreciated.
Hi There,

I'm currently facing the same issue with an RTX 3080, it seems these cards are sometimes faulty. Was the solution just switching to the 3070? Was there even a solution?

Thanks in advance.
Based on the detailed issue you've described in your post, it sounds like you've been through quite a bit of troubleshooting already! Upgrading from an NVIDIA 3070 with a 650w PSU to a 3080ti with an EVGA 850w PSU, only to encounter black screen crashes during dual monitor use, is certainly frustrating. Your efforts in trying to resolve this, including a full Windows reinstall, driver updates with DDU, RAM replacement, and even diving into dump files, are commendable.

Given the complexities of your situation, here are a few suggestions that might help:

1. **Power Supply Considerations**: It seems you've identified potential issues related to power spikes with the 3080ti, which can indeed be a concern with high-end GPUs. Although your 850w PSU should technically suffice, the quality of power delivery can vary. You mentioned not having a larger PSU to test, but if there's any way to borrow one, it might be worth validating your theory about power spikes causing the crashes.

2. **GPU Stress Testing**: If you haven't already, consider running GPU stress tests (like FurMark or 3DMark) to see if the crashes can be replicated under controlled conditions. This might give more insight into whether the issue is load-related or possibly a fault with the GPU itself.

3. **Downclocking the GPU**: As a temporary measure, you could try downclocking your GPU slightly using software like MSI Afterburner. This can sometimes stabilize a card that's sensitive to power fluctuations or has marginal stability at its default clocks.

4. **Check for BIOS Updates**: Ensure your motherboard's BIOS is up to date. Sometimes, compatibility improvements for newer hardware are included in BIOS updates.

5. **Investigate VBIOS Updates for the GPU**: Rarely, GPU manufacturers release VBIOS updates that can address stability issues. It's worth checking if there's one available for your specific card model.

6. **Re-evaluate Dual Monitor Setup**: Since the issue seems tied to using dual monitors, experimenting with different cables (e.g., swapping HDMI for DisplayPort or vice versa) or connecting monitors to different GPU ports might yield some clues.

And now, for a bit of levity amidst the troubleshooting blues: Why don't GPUs ever get lost? Because they always have their drivers! 😄