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How to convert M4P to mp3?

Axel PC

Honorable Member
Apr 24, 2016
So I've found my old iTunes login from way back in early 2000's (that's old in computer time lol) when iTunes first came out. And I've got a ton of songs I purchased from it. Well I've stopped using it a long time ago. But I'd like to convert those songs to mp3 and keep them since I purchased them.

I've been researching how to convert them but I've come across most pay for software, which I'm find with. But it's expensive for a one time weekend project that I'll never use again. And some of the sites look dated and not sure if I want to hand over my financial information know what I mean?

Does anyone know here of a free way to convert AAC files to mp3? Any tips and suggestions would be great thanks!
i use a software called switch (i have a licence for mine but i think they still offer some kind of free deal) for my itunes music... anyway the trick to any converter for sound is to unpack it to a wave file first then repack it into whatever you need
Ah thanks for that conversion tip! I think I came across that piece of software, Switch, in researching this. I did come across a way via burning your songs to CD then ripping them. However, I haven't purchased blanks CDs in years. And I don't even have an optical drive on my laptop lol. Plus I've got almost 400 songs on it and if I did purchase an external and CDs that would take forever and a day to burn and rip SMH.

I just might have to break down and purchase some conversion software.
when you rip something, it doesn't HAVE TO be sent to a burner for blank CDs (just a default setting on most software) ... hell even Mediaplayer gives you options
Screenshot (290).png
So I've found my old iTunes login from way back in early 2000's (that's old in computer time lol) when iTunes first came out. And I've got a ton of songs I purchased from it. Well I've stopped using it a long time ago. But I'd like to convert those songs to mp3 and keep them since I purchased them.

I've been researching how to convert them but I've come across most pay for software, which I'm find with. But it's expensive for a one time weekend project that I'll never use again. And some of the sites look dated and not sure if I want to hand over my financial information know what I mean?

Does anyone know here of a free way to convert AAC files to mp3? Any tips and suggestions would be great thanks!

(Total Audio Converter) works really fast and well. I have used it to convert hundreds of songs. E-mail me at [email protected] and I will help you with the registration. Go to (Total Audio Converter) for the free download.
Does anyone know here of a free way to convert AAC files to mp3? Any tips and suggestions would be great thanks!

You can use VLC player to convert to different formats (watch this video). However, there is another lossy audio format that is superior to mp3, it is called Opus. I think VLC can convert to opus audio format.
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You can use VLC player to convert to different formats (watch this video). However, there is another lossy audio format that is superior to mp3, it is called Opus. I think VLC can convert to opus audio format.

This only lets you convert video files to mp3.
formatfactory … freeware … think it includes adv in the interface. make sure you do your research, Axel PC … pull up virustotal.com before downloading … check again with your local arsenal before install. as to the installer … it tries installing other crapware (select 'custom/advanced' to defeat). make sure you get the *.exe from legitimate source (pcfreetime.com). i used the software for a couple years … it does what it says.

before installing, Axel PC … backup any personal files … create system-restore point … update all your security arsenal … perform in-depth scan before/after installing the above item. also, check your current installed programs before/after:
rundll32.exe shell32.dll,Control_RunDLL appwiz.cpl

Format Factory review and where to download | TechRadar
@pnamajck this looks like a real option, a dangerous one. But still more worthwhile versus the trail ones that only work for 1 song or part of a song and that's it. I'll look into this program some more, thanks for the post!
" this looks like a real option, a dangerous one … "

thanks for your post, Axel PC … keep us abreast of the situation. as for the 'danger' … veritably, it is child's play. the methods above should be routine with all software (and hardware). many people slowly fall into bad habits (myself included) … needing occasional reminders/refreshers … every blue moon.

So I've found my old iTunes login from way back in early 2000's (that's old in computer time lol) when iTunes first came out. And I've got a ton of songs I purchased from it. Well I've stopped using it a long time ago. But I'd like to convert those songs to mp3 and keep them since I purchased them.

I've been researching how to convert them but I've come across most pay for software, which I'm find with. But it's expensive for a one time weekend project that I'll never use again. And some of the sites look dated and not sure if I want to hand over my financial information know what I mean?

Does anyone know here of a free way to convert AAC files to mp3? Any tips and suggestions would be great thanks!
You can try Easy M4P Converter software. it can convert m4p to mp3 format. When you don't need to convert too many Mp3 files, it is a good choice, I use it very well.
@Thatsiwok thanks for the reply but someone already suggested this one. And like I said on that reply it's too much to pay for a weekend project for a piece of software I'll never use again. And plus these sites look dated and kind of shady. Especially with there fake reviews with people's faces you know they got from an image site lol.
I have used a professional application called DumpMedia Apple Music Converter. It has been a great tool offering both video and audio converters. It also has been a great help for many users nowadays who are in search of such. This tool lets you convert your favorite and most loved music from M4P to MP3 format or any other formats you desire to be highly playable in any media players, gadgets, or devices. Additionally, it is very much capable of removing the DRM protection of any file so that you can convert songs to any format as you like. If you want to know more details about how to convert M4P files to MP3 format, here's the useful guide for you: How To Convert M4P To MP3

DumpMedia Apple Music Converter.png
Yikes, $40 bucks! Margaret, do you work for DumpMedia?
Use Audacity to convert MP4 files to MP3.
It is an open-source project which means it is free.
And it has the least confusing way of helping a person convert a Video file to an audio file.