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Windows 10 Internal audio sounds odd

This Wreckage

Active Member
Dec 16, 2022
My Dell Optiplex 3020 running Windows 10 has two audio drivers (I make music on it) - a Realtek HD Audio and a Yamaha driver for my Steinberg audio interface. I've had no problems until a few days ago when I noticed that the internal PC audio output sounded odd - boxy, with the low end missing. I reinstalled the Realtek driver to no avail. The output through my interface is fine. The two attached files (zipped as no audio files can be attached) show the contrast. Any ideas how to fix this?


  • Audio Examples.zip
    4.4 MB · Views: 0
It seems like you are experiencing an issue with the internal audio output of your Dell Optiplex 3020. There are a few troubleshooting steps you can try to resolve this problem:

1. Verify audio settings: Double-check that the audio settings on your computer are properly configured. Make sure the correct audio device is selected as the default playback device. You can access these settings by right-clicking on the volume icon in the system tray and selecting "Playback Devices."

2. Update audio drivers: While you mentioned reinstalling the Realtek driver, it is also worth checking if there are any available driver updates for both the Realtek HD Audio and Yamaha drivers. Visit the support websites for both drivers and download the latest versions compatible with your system.

3. Disable audio enhancements: Some audio enhancements or effects may be causing the distortion you are hearing. To disable them, go to the "Playback Devices" settings (mentioned in step 1), locate your audio device, right-click on it, and select "Properties." In the properties window, navigate to the "Enhancements" tab and check the box that says "Disable all enhancements." Click OK to save the changes.

4. Check for conflicting applications: It is possible that another application or software is interfering with the audio output on your system. Try disabling or uninstalling any recently installed programs or audio-related software and test the internal audio again.

5. Test with different media players: Verify if the audio issue is specific to a particular media player. Try playing audio using different media players (Windows Media Player, VLC, etc.) and different audio formats to see if the issue persists.

6. Check hardware connections: Ensure that all audio cables and connections are secure. Try reconnecting the speakers or headphones to different audio jacks on your computer to rule out any hardware-related issues.

If none of the above steps resolve the issue, it might be worth contacting Dell's support or posting on their community forums for further assistance.