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Windows 8 Laptop won't let me enter wifi username and password


New Member
Sep 18, 2022
My campus has its own wifi and it requires me to input not just password but also username (my username here would be my student ID number, while password is the password i use for my campus' website accounts), in my Win10 laptop it works just fine, but in my older Win8 laptop, it just won't let me enter the password and username needed and immediately try to connect (and obviously fails).


It still lets me input passwords for wifi that only requires that, so I was thinking if windows 8 just doesnt support wifi that also needs username to use?
You may need to get configuration information from the school. They are most likely using some form of 802.1x authentication w/radius and Win 8 is not automatically detecting the required settings.
willing to bet your school still uses Proxy servers
My campus has its own wifi and it requires me to input not just password but also username (my username here would be my student ID number, while password is the password i use for my campus' website accounts), in my Win10 laptop it works just fine, but in my older Win8 laptop, it just won't let me enter the password and username needed and immediately try to connect (and obviously fails).

View attachment 40673

It still lets me input passwords for wifi that only requires that, so I was thinking if windows 8 just doesnt support wifi that also needs username to use?

It may be because of the password you are entering. It happens to me as well when I ain't use the correct password. Or You might need to ask the school for setup details. Since I was worried about my college projects and lacked the knowledge to complete them swiftly, I looked for advice online. I found a website called writinguniverse.com/cause-and-effect-essay-topics/ that was incredibly helpful in assisting me with completing my assignments. If you want to do your homework as well as your college assignments, you may go to our website.
It may be because of the password you are entering. It happens to me as well when I ain't use the correct password.
Sometimes older Windows 8 laptops may not be configured correctly to connect to the campus Wi-Fi networks.
  1. Firstly check your Windows 8 laptop is updated with the latest updates.
  2. From the wifi, setting forget the network. This will remove the network profile from your laptop.
  3. Restart your Windows 8 laptop and try to connect to the network again. When prompted for your username and password, enter your credentials

    Hope it works :)