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What Song Do You Like or Are You Listening Too?

Love this song. I used to listen to it all the time years ago. Just recently discovered it.

One of the side effects of being British
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dang … all along, i thought it was a side-effect from those 'nuclear-blasts' … rumor has it, they pack a real punch. at any rate … rock on!
I was slightly worried those songs may offend a few Americans. Been waiting for the day I have to warn myself.

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I was slightly worried those songs may offend a few Americans. Been waiting for the day I have to warn myself.
Sent from my SM-G950F using Tapatalk

'we' shoulda' never tripped that switch … comes around 'full circle'. and … to that i dedicate the following song … one of my favorites from loredana-berté (mid 80's):

Love this song and seems most apt for the times we live in.
One of my all time favourite albums - Snowflakes are Dancing - Isao Tomita (electronic Debussy)

From the same album:

could use both yours as well as my previous entry, kemical … when rounding the curve of saturn's horizon … the grandeur of enceladus coming into view. stellar!
Well that's 3 different videos I'm not allowed to put here. I give up.

Update: Ok I'm going to try again.

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