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Windows 7 Windows 7 Installation Problems Solved!

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First things first. Brand new discovery!
Did you know that it's impossible not to backing-up and lose your old files during Windows 7 installation?
That's right! Microsoft contradicting it-self in the first steps of installation preparation step by step information.
At first they say that we should back-up our old files as they WILL BE deleted.
Then they practically force an option of where our old Windows files will be backed up into Windows.old folder.
So the folders such as "Users, Program Files, Windows ...etc" will be stored in Windows.old folder.
And any other files created by you that are stored in "C:\" directory will remain untouched!

So don't worry about upgrading or backing up anything, since Windows 7 does it all for you!
My advice, just go with a clean install and you'll be safer that way. Now back to business...

Have you ever experienced a really bad day with such as Windows 7?

Possible solutions for your headache have finally arrived:
We need to try almost everything possible in our powers to locate and solve the problems, right? :)
NOTE: I'm gonna do these steps backwards like if we don't really know how to solve this quick!

"Burning the ISO Image on a DVD!"
How do I burn it correctly?

How to:
Better use Nero Burning-Rom.
To make sure that you burn it correctly without errors
1. You must use a non-used before DVD disc regardless of R or RW type.
2. Choose the lowest burning speed possible. I used x4 speed, seemed to went fine.
Open the ISO* image in Nero and choose a low speed and only then insert the DVD disc!
In order to check for errors and do it readable, mark options such as Finalize Disc and Verify Written Data.
And under burning process check the status to verify if it is writing with the speed you set it to write with!
In order to make sure it will do that, click on the button Burn and quickly roll in the DVD disc in your DVD-Drive.
To make sure your disc has been burned correctly. Insert your disc in the dvd-drive and go to My Computer.
Over your DVD-Drive you should see a light-blue Windows package standing up with a small disc in front of it.
If you still experiencing problems burning it at a certain speed? Try other burning programs or read on...

"Boot Installation of Windows 7 made impossible?"

Windows has encountered problem communicating with device connecting to your computer.
Status: 0xc00000e9
Info: An unexpected I/O error has occurred.

"or even such as": BOOTMGR Image is corrupt. System cannot boot.

Unplug your USB devices etc...
Even maybe press DEL on boot to enter BIOS and disable some stuff there...
In Windows you also could enter your Device Manager and disable some stuff there...
But all that probably won't work! ;) So read on to find out the final solution...

"Can't even install Windows 7 directly from your current working Windows XP/Vista?"

Windows cannot copy files required for installation. Files may be corrupt or missing.
Make sure all files required for installation are available and restart installation.

At this point we must assume IF you've done Step1 correctly?
Then we must assume that either you didn't or that your image may be a bit corrupt!
And that means you need t re-download it once more from the official Microsoft page!
If you having problems downloading from the official site? Try search other links or torrents...

You also just in case could make a DM5 hashsum check to make sure if it really isn't corrupt or modified!
Go here Hashsum: Link Removed - Invalid URL
The true MD5 hashsum of Windows 7000.0.081212-1400 is: f9dc e6eb d0a6 3930 b44d 8ae8 02b6 3825
If it doesn't match, then you may wanna do the solution to the Problem2 again, again and again!

Windows 7 Build 7000 x86
File Name: 7000.0.081212-1400_client_en-us_Ultimate-GB1CULFRE_EN_DVD.iso
File Size: 2.43GB (2,618,793,984 bytes)
MD5 Hash: f9dce6ebd0a63930b44d8ae802b63825
SHA1: 607118428B2156FF61CDC5260545CO78CCA31EE

Windows 7 RC Build 7100 x86
File Name: 7100.0.090421-1700_x86fre_client_en-us_Retail_Ultimate-GRC1CULFRER_EN_DVD.iso
File Size: 2.35GB (2,530,975,744 bytes)
MD5 Hash: 8867C13330F56A93944BCD46DCD73590
SHA1: 7D1F486CA569EFFFFB719CFB48355BB7BF499712
CRC32: E8A1C394

Windows 7 RC Build 7100 x64
File Name: 7100.0.090421-1700_x64fre_client_en-us_Retail_Ultimate-GRC1CULFRER_EN_DVD.iso
File Size: 3.04GB
MD5 Hash: 98341AF35655137966E382C4FEAA282D

"Still experiencing installation problems?"
After downloading ISO image from different locations you may still experience problems.

To make sure to avoid any burning errors, you may try burn it on USB Flash Memory Stick.
Here I found a solution on how you can do just that! That is IF you have a 4gb memory stick.
Otherwise you also could go for such as Virtual Drive/Disc installation and mount it with such as WinMount v3.2.0120.
Then try to run Win 7 both on boot with usb portable device or from Win XP/Vista from virtual disc.
If you think that those methods are too confusing, you may try and download WinRar 3.80 just extract it to a folder.
Just make sure to make WinRar to be your default prog for opening ISO files when re-installing WinRar and select ISO.

If all of these steps fails? Kill yourself!:\
OK, I'm kidding! Don't kill yourself over some sucky Beta Windows!?
I could understand if it was over a girl or a boy?.. But Windows? :D
Come on...! There is a final solution though! It's a secret, not for long though!
But it will require at least 2 HDD and one portable 1 HDD!
1 HDD with an installed Windows 7 and 1 HDD with any Windows installed on it!
That means you should ask or find someone willing to upload or copy for you a fresh copy of installed Windows 7!
(that someone could be me if I finally get it to install very soon... I'm still currently making backups of my old files..)
And 1 HDD or a portable device such as Flash Memory Stick of 9gb, and not 16gb like Microsoft want's you to believe!
Plug in both drives to same PC, on boot you can press F8 or F9 to choose a drive to boot from which must be old Win.
Enter the drive with a Win 7 on it and copy all Windows folders you can see onto P.FMS/3rd HDD.
After that procedure you can boot from any HDD Device that has Windows 7 folder in it!
You also can boot from Win 7 1st HDD and enter old Windows drive and replace it with Win 7 from 3rd HDD with.
You could also try some faster ways like www.makeuseof.com/tag/5-ways-to-clone-and-copy-your-hard-drive/
..or like how ever Win Installation makes a copy of your old Windows when installing it from old win on old win...
Just don't forget to change the registration serial number to your own to make it your own legal copy of Windows!

Now I'm not a computer geek, but some experience from life over the years you do gain indeed! :rolleyes:
If any of these steps worked or didn't work for you or maybe you're getting other errors? Let us all know!
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Re: Not bad..

These are all great solutions. Sometimes, its just a simple matter of running Microsoft's Fix It tool to get Link Removed - Invalid URL up and running...
Re: Not bad..

well vadim cool, I am still unable to find network drivers for windows 7 for my pc dell gx 620. Please help. I am bount to use XP now on my gx 620
Did you know that it's impossible not to backing-up and lose your old files during Windows 7 installation?
That's right! Microsoft contradicting it-self in the first steps of installation preparation step by step information.
At first they say that we should back-up our old files as they WILL BE deleted.
Then they practically force an option of where our old Windows files will be backed up into Windows.old folder.
So the folders such as "Users, Program Files, Windows ...etc" will be stored in Windows.old folder.
And any other files created by you that are stored in "C:\" directory will remain untouched!

So don't worry about upgrading or backing up anything, since Windows 7 does it all for you!
My advice, just go with a clean install and you'll be safer that way. Now back to business...

:up:thanks for this useful discovery and sharing the info with us!
I am having a problem that google chorme browser consumes too much resources and makes my computer speed slow down a lot, can someone help me solve this problem?
You do realize where you're posting, right? Your GOOGLE product issue under MICROSOFT product issue? And that is if we don't compare Windows and a Browser. And on top of that if we don't compare Installation and Performance issues. Seriously??? No, nobody even wants to help you here in this case. Doesn't matter whether we can or not.
@Vadim Cool that is just a link spammer hiding under a dead thread ... thanks for finding it mate